Following the announcement of our partnership with Unitlife, the Retreebers have shown a lot of interest and enthusiasm. It was very overwhelming to see that our community came up with their own initiative to help social projects.💙
Thanks to you, we opened a funding wallet ! You can donate to help to fight chronic malnutrition 🌍
- Donation Wallet address : 0xD91342f800D7148d5A3E2787ca15410368AE8B47
Accepted : USDT / USDC / ETH / FTM / TREEB / BOO / TOMB
All funds will be broke in USD and send to UN Bank account for the UNITLIFE initiative.
UNITLIFE: Focus on agriculture to prevent chronic malnutrition
Many regions remain vulnerable to weather conditions, food insecurity and poor nutrition. Unfortunately, malnutrition still affects millions of people especially in Africa and the current crisis will accentuate this phenomenon because of the rise in wheat prices.
“We estimate one in every two children in Niger to be chronically malnourished and 90% of children to be deprived of a diet meeting nutritional requirement.”
The concept of sending food can be justified in emergency situations but funding is limited. We want to address the root of the problem for a greater impact.
Ok, what’s the plan then ? 📝
By a 3-step smart & complete process:
1. First, UNITLIFE provided women farmers with biofortified seeds. Think about them as a kind of super-seeds. 🌱
2. Secondly, to help achieve independence, UNITLIFE has provided training on climate-smart agriculture, so they can harvest these super-seeds. 👩🏼🌾
3. And now it’s time to provide trainings on financial literacy, to take advantage of these new learnings. UNITLIFE wants to set up micro-credits associations.
Considering that malnutrition has socio-economic roots, women are a key contributor to development and play a role in the children’s health and nutrition.
Thanks to UNITLIFE, Women have land access for the next 10 years. They can now develop their fruits and vegetables gardens which contribute to diet variety.
Where will your money go?
To a very important initiative !
This next step is the financial inclusion that is a real issue in the 20 villages which are part of the initiative.
“In Niger only 16% of the population have access to a bank account, and only 43% have established telephone connections (in 2021).” — UNITLIFE
Although women have micro enterprises, they struggle to grow them due to the absence of a formal financial system. Our goal is to allow these women to access bank accounts and loans.
This is what VSLA groups are. (Village Savings and Loans Associations)
So, what’s the idea ? 🧠
The idea is to digitalize the VSLA initiatives.
As an indication, $2,500 can fund trainings for up to 40 VSLA groups facilitators.
This means your donations will be used to work for more inclusive finance.
Now it’s your time to shine Retreebers !
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